As a student at Iowa State University, you will receive 1,000 units per semester, with the option to request more when needed.

Students are encouraged to explore the different printing resources available and to exercise good stewardship in the use of printed material. Costs of printing are often expensive and adversely impact the opportunity to purchase new computing resources for the college.

Every semester students are allotted a quota of 1,000 credits for printing.  Typically around campus, a black and white laser printer consumes five (5) unit per printed side of paper, a color laser printer consumes fifteen (15) units per printed side. Plotters consume a varying amount equal to the size of the paper (see postings near the plotter for more information). These rates can vary by area, so make sure to pay close attention to posted signs when printing.

During the logon process in ENGR computing labs, a small window is displayed that shows the remaining quota available. To see your history of printing, click the link at the bottom of the window. Alternatively, you may visit the following website from anywhere to view your print quota and history:

When you use up all of your quota, you can request an additional allotment of credits using Service Now.  Part of the Student Government decision was to set limits and encourage responsible use of the quota given to you.

The quota is not money, nor is it an allocation. In reality, the quota is a limit to prevent users from abusing the system. Printing is a privilege that requires users to exercise responsibility.

Supported printers can be accessed using PaperCut Mobility Print. Visit this page to learn more and connect to lab printers.

Mobility Print

Mobility Print by PaperCut is the new tool for printing from your personal devices. It allows for secure printing to campus printers through the PaperCut application and uses the same print credits as printing from a lab computer. Many locations in ENGR have Mobility Print enabled. Install the application to see the most up-to-date list.

For installation instructions: and/or ISU ServiceNow

University Library

Fee-based laser printing is available in all ISU Library facilities, via the campus-wide PaperCut system. Print jobs can be routed to either a networked laser printer or a networked photocopier. The general public may use a networked photocopier and pay with cash.