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College of Engineering IT Purchasing Policy

College of Engineering
Computer Equipment and Software Purchasing Policy
Updated: March 1st, 2024

The College of Engineering (COE) at Iowa State University (ISU) is committed to enabling its faculty and staff with the computing equipment and appropriate software necessary to excel in their teaching, research, and service missions. The COE strives to maintain an information technology environment that adheres to the highest standards of data security, privacy, and accessibility as well as applicable state and federal laws. In addition, purchasing of computer software and hardware needs to ensure compatibility with university systems and standards and to promote cost efficiency accomplished by purchasing through university and college approved processes and applicable university contracts.

Security breaches can expose the university to potentially serious legal and financial consequences.  Purchasing computer software or hardware outside of university compatibility, systems, standards, and contracts risks inefficient use or misuse of university funds. Faculty, staff, and students may be held liable if they violate COE and ISU policies.

The COE employs IT professionals who oversee IT implementation in college units.  These professionals are aware of university standards, data security protocols, purchasing policies and contracts, and available software licenses.

To assure IT security, cost efficiency, adherence to university processes and contracts, and appropriate inventory of hardware, the following policy is established.

Computer related equipment (electronic devices that process data associated with ISU activities and are purchased with ISU funds*), peripherals, and software (programs used by computer related equipment) should be requested from the department’s designated IT staff. IT staff will work with individuals/groups to provide guidance in identifying the solution that is the best fit for their needs and in compliance with ISU standards. IT Staff will also facilitate the ordering process to ensure that the device or software is properly integrated into ISU’s IT security, device management program, and inventory. 

*ISU Funds include all funds that flow through university accounts, including but not limited to general fund, advance commitment, grants & contracts, PI Incentive, foundation, fee-for-service, etc.

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